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Kids Camps

From 7 & 8 year olds



9:00AM – 12:15PM

3 hours of classes* / day
no activity



9AM – 3:30PM
Day student or boarders

3 hours of classes*

+ 2 hours of activities** / day


Camps options: which one is best suited to my child and his/her needs?

During the kids camp: we offer 2 different formulas in order to satisfy all the needs of our students, here is an overview of the typical day of the IBS camp.



The two formulas offered are :


Formula F1 is for students who are only available in the mornings. First of all, from 9:00 am to 12:15 pm, these students take part in classes (choice of English or French as foreign language). They are then picked up at 12:15 pm by their parents.


Formula F3, favored by the majority of our students, offers a mix of classes (in the mornings) and sports and artistic activities** in the afternoons until 3:30 pm

Here is a typical day’s schedule for an IBS Camp :

  • 8:30 am – 9 am: Arrival of day-students

  • 9:00 am: Classes* begin for all students

  • 10:30 am – 45 am : Recess (Snacks provided)

  • 10:45 am – 12:15pm: Continuation of classes

  • 12:15 pm : Departure of F1 students and lunch for F3 students

  • 1:30 pm : It’s the beginning of the activities** for the F3 formulas 

  • 3:30 pm – 4:00 pm: Snack and departure of day student

  • 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm : Daycare for the remaining half-boarders


* Courses to choose from: English / French as a Foreign Language to be chosen at registration.
** Ex. of activities : tennis, swimming pool, soccer, volleyball, dance, art, basketball, theater 

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