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IBS Camps

From 9 to 17 year olds



9:00AM – 12:15PM

3 hours of classes* / day
no activity



9AM – 3:30PM
Day student or boarders

5 hours of classes* / day
no activity



9AM – 3:30PM
Day student or boarders

3 hours of classes*

+ 2 hours of activities** / day


Camps options: which one is best suited to my child and his/her needs?

Formula F1 is reserved for day students whose parents live nearby and is intended for young students (6-8 years old) who do not wish to stay the whole day, and for students who are looking to make progress on a semi-intense pedagogical level, without any desire for sports or artistic activities. At the end of classes at 12:15 pm, parents can pick up their child.


Formula F2 is reserved for students with major educational needs (e.g. preparation for an exam), wishing to take an intensive course, and is offered to students with day student and boarding facilities. Students have 5 hours of classes from 9am to 3:30pm, with a one-hour lunch break (provided). For day student, the day ends at 3:30 p.m., and a shuttle bus is also offered to the center of Aix-en-Provence.


Formula F3 is the most popular formula during our courses. It is designed for students who wish to progress in a subject, while having fun during the school vacations. After morning classes* from 9:00 am to 12:15 pm, followed by a lunch break (provided), students enjoy 2 hours of sports and artistic activities of their choice**. F3 is offered to students with day student and boarding facilities. For day students, the day ends at 3:30 pm, and a shuttle bus is also offered to the center of Aix-en-Provence.


* Courses to choose from: English / French as a Foreign Language to be chosen at registration.
** Ex. of activities : tennis, swimming pool, soccer, volleyball, dance, art, basketball, theater

French placement test

We use this French placement test to evaluate you in order to find the course that will be most beneficial. Please play the game and put away your phone or other help that would not allow a score that reflects your level. The test is structured in a way that it starts with easy questions for the level A1 and then it gets more and more difficult.


This means that you should stop doing the test when it gets difficult because it will only be more difficult. Just submit the questions you answered, without answering the ones that are too difficult.

Keep in mind that the purpose of this test is not to get the best score possible, but to determine your real level, so that your stay at our Summer Camps is the most beneficial for you. It’s not a problem if you are a complete beginner and you get stuck on the first question or two: there are many students who are complete beginners during our camps. So don’t be stressed when taking this test. We look forward to meeting you no matter what your level of French is 🙂 .

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